First up, congrats to the Miami Heat for winning their championship thing. I would like to point out that earlier this basketball season, we here at B.O.M.M awarded Miami Heat center Shaquille O'Neal the Best Mustache in Professional Basketball award, which was true. The fella's packin a molestache and happens to be 8 feet tall, weighs 600 pounds, eats live pigs for lunch and his shoes can hold 2 gallons of milk, so who else was I going to give the award too....Allen Iverson? Iverson? Oh he of little practice? Nope. Always go with the giant.
Now, this makes B.O.M.M two for three when picking championship caliber mustaches to support. I would have to say that mustache will soon replace boxing as the sweetest science. True, B.O.M.M did not specifically call the championship for the Heat, but we would have, I promise because the Mavericks appear to be a mustacheless squad....well, I know that 7 foot European with the unspellable last name doesn't have a mustahce. Their coach might have one, I'm not sure, but what's a coach with a mustache, honestly. You need the MANpower on the court, not the sidelines. True, Phil Jackson was celebrated on this site for being a mustachioed coach, but he wasn't given any award from us, oh no. He wants to place a BOMM inaugural on his wall of fame, the ole Zen master best strap on a uniform.
What about the Stanley Cup you ask? What about it? Those sucker-MCs grow playoff BEARDS, and we don't do beards. We're about the mustache. Maybe someone on Carolina had a mustache, no one will ever know.
Now, the next true test of the mustache science will be who will win the World Cup? That my friends is for another post (coming soon).
June 21, 2006
Miami, You Are Welcome
Responsible Party:
12:30 PM
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