June 18 is the one-year anniversary for Emily and yours truly. So, one year ago today I took "the" plunge I guess you can say. To celebrate today we ate some extremely overpriced, but tasty, Italian food at Neighbor's over in North Mankato. We decided that we wouldn't give gifts this year, so I went out and bought her a StL Cardinals hoodie for work (they keep the temp at our place of work in the low 50s for some reason, and we don't work in a meat locker either), and I got her a Cardinal T-shirt to wear around town and that book called Manhunt about the search for John Wilkes Booth after the fucker shot Lincoln. And I got her a card. So she felt guilty and bought me two DVDs...but I question her choices. I mean, I like the movies she got me, but I'm not too sure Closer and The Jerk really say I love you, but I do like those movies...and I know she loves me something fierce, as I do her, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten married last year or dated for five years before that and let me steal her away from her old boyfriend (scroll down, he's the guy named Seth) or moved with me to Minnesota so I can pretend to be a writer for a few years while she toils away at some soul-sucking job to support us both. I can't thank her enough for it all.
As for the cake, you see, it is tradition for married couples to eat a portion of their wedding cake one year after their wedding day. Now, yes, that is decidedly fucked up. I'm not too awful sure what culture started that, or how it got started because reliable refridgeration has only been around, for what, 60-70 years give or take. Anyways, Emily is a bit old school when it comes to traditions, so we saved the top of our cupcake wedding cake (see picture before this post...we had cupcakes instead of regular cake and but had the baker make a tiny round top-cake so we could eat it a year later...yum-o). My parents have been storing the topcake in their deep freeze for us because we haven't been able to store it. My parents will be bringing that with them for us to eat when they visit next weekend...you know I'm looking forward to it.
Now, you see those blue sprinklies on the cake? Those are there because of Rusted Root's song Blue Diamonds was the song we used for our first dance and the blue sprinkles was the best we could do to replicate the blue diamonds. (You can buy that song on either in studio form or live version). I'm a Rusted Root fan, maybe even apologist now that they have betrayed their awesomeness of When I Woke for a more pop sound, but their crazy jungle beat does pop up from time to time, as I will soon explain.
You see the first dance Emily and I had was not a graceful sort. Emily had her shoes off, which increaded our height differential to about a foot and a half. Also, she can't keep a beat. Not to say that I'm not some kind of dance machine, but hey, I can clap along to a song with the best of them. Oh, and neither of our dancing skills go beyond high-school swaying and the box step. We just lumber along and she steps on my toes, and the crowd of friends and family laugh at us (oh yea, you just got to love it when that happens). And, I knew going into the song that it inexplicably goes into a bit of a jungle beat halfway threw, so I told the DJ before the reception that when the drumming changes up, speeds up, starts to sound, you know, tribal, fade the song out and quick. Well, fucker didn't listen, so whilst Emmo and I are embarassing ourselves in front of our family and friends I have to whip around and give the DJ the ole throat-slash, shut-the-goddamn-song-off-you-ignorant-tool maneuver. Oh, and our song for the parent's dance thing....Sunrise Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof. Some of you may think that Jewish plight has little to do with our beloved wedding...well, you're wrong. It's got plenty to do with our wedding, so suck it, all right. And no, I will not elaborate...can't a man just love some Topol without so many questions! Jesus!
June 18, 2006
Sentinmentality Rocks
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10:31 PM
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