January 20, 2008

The God Thing Mentioned on Jorge's Blog


I mentioned this straight to Jorge because I figured of all the people up for a God-themed event, on January 30th at the 92nd Street Y in NYC, I figured Jorge was the man to talk to. So, I'm going to give some added info about that event, and another one, decidedly more literary taking place earlier in the day.

Here is the link for the event: Hitchens vs. Rabbi Boteach
The debate is between Christopher Hitchens, professional shit-stirrer, who wrote that book God is Not Great, is debating Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who hosts that show Shalom in the Home on the Learning Channel, as well as writing other books. The title of the debate is "Does God Exist?" So, yeah, barring the Lord coming down and smiting Hitchens, I think this one's gonna end in a draw, but they also plan on discussing the role of religion in America today, which could be very interesting. You'll note that this debate is at 8:00pm, so most people going to AWP will be there by then. Tickets will cost you 26 bucks a person.

Now, there is another event also at the 92nd Street Y, but I don't think many people will be in town for it. Author Alice McDermott will be giving a talk at 1:00 pm. She has been nominated for two Pulitzers (but hasn't won any...so by my count, I have just as many Pulitzer prizes as Alice McDermott) and has won a National Book Award, so the talk could be interesting if you get into NYC early enough.

Now, time to get the rest of my AWP schedule in order.

Viva el mustache

1 comment:

Jorge said...

I love the title of this post. I think it will be the title of my thesis.