Super Tuesday happened, and the only thing that was decided was that the apparent Republican nominee is John McCain (about 8 years too late I think). I didn't caucus, though I really wanted to. Oh well. The right person won Minnesota for the Blue Team.
Anyway, I have a question. There is complete poll saturation (hehehehe) in this primary season, but there is one question I want answered and it concerns defection.
Say Hillary Clinton becomes the democratic nominee, which means all the Obama supporters would be left out there, twisting in the wind. I want to know, in this situation, how many Obama supporters would vote for John McCain instead of Clinton come time for the general election. I'd also like to know how many Clinton supporters would vote for McCain if Obama gets the nomination.
It is my relatively uninformed opinion that more Obama voters would be more likely to defect to McCain instead of voting for Clinton than if the tables were reversed. (for evidence on how uninformed my opinion is, see Tom's comment about how John McCain is nothing more than another chorus of the Bush/Cheney terror shanty) Obama voters seem to want someone different in the White House, and another Clinton isn't someone different at all (by different I don't mean agent of change...McCain represents a body without a known surname attached, even though he may very well be another big-business, pro-Iraq, Republican least it breaks away from what could set up a kind of royal order of succession). Also, I don't believe party loyalty is as important to Obamadors as it is to the Clintonareate. (my apologies, Clintonian, I meant no offense).
Plus, McCain is that "Straight Talk Express" guy that many Obamateers could get behind I believe (if they ignore all the information Tom posted in the comment, and go on his public persona alone). Clinton votes though, I think would be more likely to stay party loyal and go Obama. In other words, would Clinton getting the nomination ultimately hurt the Democrats in a national election because of voter defection?
I don't think this is a valid question for the Republican ticket because I can't see any of the socially oppressive (oops, I mean conservative) Red voters who are leaning toward Huckabee or Romney going Blue because their horse isn't racing. I think those Huckaney people who are voting in the "Who Would Jesus Vote For" mode would likely stay home or hold their pious nose while pulling McCain's lever (hehehehe) because they couldn't bear their soul to the evils of the Abortion Party.
Anyway, has the poll I described been taken? If so, where can I read it?
Viva democracy (y viva Barack!)
February 6, 2008
Election Question (Revised)
Responsible Party:
9:09 AM
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McCain is not an agent of change.
From ThinkProgress (today, 2/6/08):
On the NBC Today Show, liberal radio host Rachel Maddow, conservative pundit Pat Buchanan, and Democratic strategist Paul Begala discussed the importance of “change” in the upcoming election. Voters want a “clean break from Bush,” argued Maddow. Begala added that McCain does not represent that type of change:
BEGALA: If McCain wins, he’s running for a third term for Bush. He wants to make Bush’s Iraq war permanent, Bush’s economic program permanent.
Buchanan concluded the segment by arguing that McCain “will make Cheney look like Gandhi.”
McCain not only interrupted a voter's question telling him we should "make it a hundred" years in Iraq and "that would be fine with me," he told a reporter after the townhall meeting "that U.S. troops could be in Iraq for 'a thousand years' or 'a million years,' as far as he was concerned." [ , 1/3/08]
If Obama gets the nomination, he's got my vote. If Clinton gets the nomination, then I'm throwing it away on Nader (because you know that loon is running). Then I'm moving to England.
If McCain gets elected, I'm building an underground cave in Cape Verde and living there for the rest of my life.
This is an outrage! I never recalled lending my good name to that rube. Whoever placed my moniker on that talking pantsuit, shall have to deal with me, post haste.
I'm looking at you, Johnson.
If Hillary (a.k.a. Billary) gets the nomination, I’ll have a hard time voting for her. She’s going to have to change her tune and cut out the “35 years of experience” bullshit. Also, picking Obama as her running-mate might endear some of us Obamians to her.
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