July 9, 2009

Joel Pineiro: One Handsome Man


Here's a picture reblogged from StL Today.com and also an official MLB photo. If you've been following Cardinal baseball lately, you may have noticed that this team is somehow good, despite logic. Now...why? Why would the Cardinals be winning? Well, have a look at Joel Pineiro and see if you can guess:

Mustache! And man did he pitch lights out against the Brewers on Thursday. It is, without a doubt, the mustaches. The heat is on, friends, because the mustache is on.

I'm sure you guessed it was mustache power. Many of the Cardinals are growing mustaches. It's a team wide thing. And, wouldn't you know it, they are in first place in the Central. Being without television access to my birds, I don't get to see them and I never really looked through the pictures before, but my mom let me know about the mustaches, so damn right I'm going to be digging around for Team Mustache, sorry, Cardinals, photos to post here, when I can and when appropriate.

1 comment:

GMACD said...

Josh Kinney had a "mad hungarian" before he grew in the beard. He looked menacing on the mound against the opposing teams ,Schumacher is growing a pseduo porn stache