September 1, 2007

Mea Culpa


We here at BOMM are big people. We can admit when we are wrong, and we can admit, gloat and congratulate ourselves when we are right. So, it is in that spirit that we'd like to apologize to the American Mustache Institute.

Aaron Perult, the executive director of the American Mustache Institute dropped by to say this:

The American Mustache Institute salutes everything you do, say, and stand for. In mustache we trust.

Aaron Perlut
Exec. Director
The American Mustache Institute

So, you know, earlier this year when we bitched about not being recognized by the Institute for BOMM's mustache achievement...we were too hasty. So, Mustache Institute, like Michael Vick, Mel Gibson and Jim Baker before us, we are sorry for what we did, and regret our past actions. We will commit ourselves over to Jesus (the mustachioed version on the cover of Jesus Christ Superstar), and will look forward to being a better benevolent order on all fronts.


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