November 18, 2007

Healing Power of the Mustache


Michael "The Cartervillain" MacBride found the following news item in the award winning newspaper of Southern Illinois University - Carbondale, The Daily Egyptian: Students Grow Mustaches for Prostate Cancer.

Clearly they are not growing the mustaches to get prostate cancer. They are growing mustaches to make a statement about manliness, and for prostrate cancer awareness. Could there be a better way to make people thing about a person's prostrate than a mustache? I'd have to say that the prostate is the mustache of organs. It's manly. And, if mistreated, will kill you (albeit mustache mistreatment will only result in a social death, while prostate abuse will kill you).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's something different about your site. I just can't seem to put my finger on it...