November 26, 2007

Kevin DuBrow is Dead


The sad news keeps rolling in. The lead singer to Quiet Riot, Kevin DuBrow, was found dead in Las Vegas.

They say it happens in three, so Norman Mailer, Mr. Whipple, and now the lead singer of Quiet Riot. A sad trio to be sure.

I was never much of a Quiet Riot fan, I was a little young while they hit it big, but I remember a mirror in my cousin Danny's room that featured that iconic Quiet Riot man in the mask thing. I can't hear this song without thinking about time spent with Danny, mostly that he tried to teach me how to play a role playing game that I was barely interested in, but I remember, vividly, that i had a character I named Vamp, who was killed by a crossbow. Not that it was a terribly wistful time, just something that I'll always remember, and Quiet Riot will always remind me of that time. I feel a music of the 1980s post coming on...

Anyway, tonight, how about you girls rock your boys, in memory of Mr. DuBrow


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