November 28, 2007

SiteMeter Development


Site Meter is back up and running on the blog, so I've gotten back to updating the list of interesting search items along the right hand side of the blog here.

I do what to point out that many Europeans, especially Italians, have found the blog in recent days since I posted the picture of Kelly LeBrock. The Italians (undoubtedly stallions, all) have been image searching for Kelly, finding Madam Hotness Kelly LeBrock, liking what they see, and hanging around for a few seconds.

So, awesome. Here's a special message for my newfound Italian friends:

Saluti! I ringraziamenti per la visita ed io sperano che gradiate che cosa avete letto. Spero che tutti voi abbiate mustaches fantastici, o sviluppiate un mustache fantastico presto. Opinione ciao al papa per me.

Also, here is a special message for you, Kelly LeBrock: Move to Italy, then proceed to live a life of hedonistic pleasure as those oiled Italian men pamper you in every way.


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