December 7, 2007

Happy Birthday, Tom Waits!


You could spend the day memorializing Pearl Harbor, which would be honorable, or you could do your ears a treat and go listen to some Tom Waits. Mr. Waits is 58 today.

Here's some Tom Waits' videos to tide you over until you can go to the record store and buy Mule Variations, Rain Dogs, Closing Time, and Swordfishtrombone.

Now, here's three songs that you probably know better from their cover versions...but they were Tom's first.

Ol' 55 (this video sucks, but I love the song) [this was covered by the Eagles]

Downtown Train [this was covered by Rod Stewart]

I Don't Wanna Grow Up [this was covered by The Ramones]

And, finally, here's three interviews with him (the guy is pretty damn funny too)...the last one has a song as well.

(2004...or thereabouts)




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