December 14, 2007

Have You Heard Of This?


Maybe this is a sign that I'm getting older, or watching less television, but there is a movie playing at one of Mankato's fine cinemas that I hadn't heard of before.

The movie is called Bella. Apparently it's some kind of love story involving Spanish people, soccer, a restuarant, and a dude with a huge fuck-off beard (which seems unsanitary for a kitchen worker to me...mustache in the kitchen is okay, big hairy beard, not so much).

The thing is, this movie won the People's Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival. So this may be a damn good love story, which they don't make near enough of these days (fuck you ,Nicholas Sparks and SOP rom coms), so I'm tempted to see this. In the past, winners of that award have gone on to win Oscars (and not just for best costumes, but real awards, like Best Picture...American Beauty, for example) and have been fine movies in their own right. So, maybe this Bella flick has got some chops? But how in the hell have I never heard of this? I used to be right on top of all movies like this...I may not see them, but I'd at least know what it is. And why is it in Mankato?

This town doesn't get arty movies regularly, let alone obscure award winning films. Those are for Landmark Theatres...not the mini-multiplexes of a state college town. Don't get me wrong, I like that a movie theater in Mankato is stepping up, giving us something besides "Top 40" movie fare, so I hope this is a signal of things to come. I'd sure like to see Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, and any number of other artsy, independent style movies they talk about over on Ain't It Cool News (though AICN hadn't mentioned Bella) that I have missed out on (yes, I could drive to the Cities, but screw that...I can't see drivining three hours round trip for a movie...I like films, but not that much). So maybe Bella is worth seeing, en masse, just to maybe persuade the theater manager to bring in some other high-class films that don't get too much national media press.

Anyway, here's the trailer for Bella. If you don't like it, at least hang around for the Rolling Stones song at the end of the video.

Viva pelĂ­culas independientes


Jorge said...

That movie has been advertised all over TV...
Maybe if you stop watching the men shitting with beards channel you'd see the commercials. Geez.

Rob Wilkins said...

You my friend have a point! I really want to see the new movie Juno. If I go it will mean I have to go on a nice trip to Landmak or the Lagoon somewhere in downtown Minneapolis. Screw it!

I messed up last week because I went to see No Country for Old Farts in Edina (Southdale)it was good but like I have told you before Mr.Emily Johnson I like almost every movie I see.

I decided that since Mankato theaters usually blow I knew they would not get this so-called art movie also. I was wrong! It has been here for almost two weeks! Oh well, I did get my fatness on at the Cheesecake Factory and I also got to hit up Toys-R-US....


Later Gator!