January 10, 2008

Hairless Poll Announcement & Proposal

Hairless Poll Announcement:

Do you get the joke in that? Sounds like Harris Poll, doesn't it? Yeah, that's what, a pun? Anyway, I would like to direct your attention to the poll to the right regarding my hairline. I got a haircut yesterday, and after looking in the mirror, I saw the future. And the future is bald. The question is, of course, when is the future for me. Do I take nature by the horns and shave now, wait until the time's right, or do I just wait....maybe science can regrow my hair with a pill. I don't want to be losing my hair, but if that's the case, so be it. I do kind of have a lumpy head, but after a while, that won't matter one way or the other...unless an all-natural cure happens to be found soon.

Anyway, what do you think? Your votes will be appreciated.

Anybody keeping track of politics lately? They've been using the word change a lot. They've said it so much, it's starting to not sound like a word anymore...it's some meaningless expression of wanting votes. Just start chirping the word "change" and you'll either get two sawbucks for your tener, or you'll get some votes in a primary (by the way...Mike Gravel earned, what, 500 total votes in New Hampshire...I'm pretty sure I could get 500 votes in a statewide campaign, maybe more). So, what I'd like to propose...next time a Democratic debate roles around on the television, that we have a get together, buy a case or three of beers, and each time they say the word change, we drink. How about it? Would we die, or have a good time?


Anonymous said...

Tubing? Tomorrow noon-2pm. We need 3 more people to get the discount.


Jorge said...

I'm in! For political drinking, that is. And tubing, for that matter. You'd go if you know what's good for you!