October 30, 2007

Half Credit


Okay, we didn't get the World Series prediction completely correct. We were close, but not quite. The Sox won it in four games, instead of six, so we here at BOMM will be taking partial credit for this prediction. However, an argument could be made that BOMM deserves full credit for predicting this World Series. Why you ask?

The six game prediction was based solely on the fact that Latroy Hawkins had a scrappy kind of mustache. The kind of mustache that is indicative of a team that has no quit in them and would be up for a fight, just like growing a shabby kind of mustache.

However, Latroy Hawkins shaved his mustache. The one time LaTroy was brought into this series...he was a clean shaven man. Baby faced. Soft to the touch. Pussy. The one thing the Rockies had going for them into this series, and LaTroy shaved it off! That's self-manstration...and before the World Series! Unbelievable. LaTroy handed the Red Sox the sweep of the World Series. And if I had known that Latroy would go into the series a clean-shaven man, then we here at BOMM would have never picked this series to go six games and we would have predicted a sweep.

Are you upset about this? Mad? Can't believe Latroy Hawkins would doom his team in such a way (other than being a Latroy Hawkins type player?)? Well, how about you drop Latroy Hawkins a at the The Official Site of Latroy Hawkins. Maybe you want to join the Latroy Hawkins fan club. But if you do drop Latroy Hawkins a line, you might want to ask him about the following statement, which comes from the Fan Club section of his website: "[Latroy]has been a fan favorite since his days in Minnesota. His on field ability has only been overshadowed by his care and dedication to his team and their fans."

Really? Latroy if you were dedicated to your teams and your fans, then why did you shave your mustache? Hm? Why? You want to have the Curse of Latroy Hawkins Shaved Lip hang over the Rockies organization for one-hundred years? Do you?

Nonetheless, congratulations Red Sox. Your mustaches were strong.

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