April 14, 2008

A Large & Startling Figure

I know some of you are Harry Crews fans and rightly so. But did you know that there was a website devoted to him? Check it out here. It's where I found the above drawing, and has loads of other stuff on it as well.
The reason that he is on my mind was that Phil & I were talking about when Mr. Crews finally passes away, which I assume will take a beheading considering what hasn't killed him so far. Phil & I want to attend that funeral, if we can get there, but then I was thinking about if it would be widely reported that he died. Considering that I camp out in the NY Times Book Review site, they would say something if it ever comes to pass, but would he get a glowing obit, or a blurb. I'd like to think glowing obit, but I don't know.
Anyway, figured I would share that Harry Crews site with ya'll. And yes, I've seen the Dennis Miller interview. Have you seen "Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus"? Well, he's in that movie too.

In fact, here's a preview for it:

Oh, you'd rather a taste of the Harry Crews stuff di-rectly. Very well:

I'll end this post with what amounts to nuggets from Crews. It's nothing you haven't heard before, but probably not from Harry Crews (unless you own the DVD for The Hawk Is Dying, where I think this stuff was ripped from)

Here's what Harry says about editing:

Here's what Harry says about the feeling of "having written":

Harry talking about happy accidents:

viva el mustache

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