December 1, 2007

Emperor Johnson


Maybe if this writer thing doesn't work out, maybe I could take over Europe. Worked for Napoleon. But I have played Risk, so I know you never get in a land war in Asia or try to take over Russia without winter gear....scorched earth won't stop this general, no sir.

I'd like a version of this to be my portrait...but taller, and without the apparent erection.

Funny how many leaders had creative streaks. And not all of them were nutjobs. Lincoln wrote poetry (and not just his inaugural speeches, or this, which should be enough to make you really should check out Lincoln Studies [linked to the right as Abraham Lincoln Authority]). Makes me wonder about other I wonder if Prezzie Bush has a collection of metrical, rhyming verse in a drawer at his ranch.

I bet I'd make a damn fine leader.


1 comment:

Jorge said...

I'd vote for you...twice, if necessary