December 2, 2007

Wanna Feel Old?


Today, I learned that Michael Jackson's Thriller turns 25 years old today. Holy crap, 25 years?!

Now, Thriller does feel old to me, since it is a relic of my it seems lightyears ago that Michael Jackson wasn't bugnuts insane. As a kid, I loved Thriller. At my parents house, is that album, yes an actual vinyl record. I listened to it a bunch, along with my Jungle Book Exercise record among others. My favorite track was Billy Jean, by far, but I remember a strange affinity for the one with Paul McCartney, The Girl Is Mine. The rest of it is pure awesome (Wanna Be Startin Something, Beat It...want to know something else great about the record... Thriller, Beat It, and Billie Jean are tracks 4,5,6 on the album...those three songs in a fucking that's a listening experience). I'm sure it stands up well enough today, if only as nostalgia.

So, I give to you now, for your watching pleasure, the titular video from Michael Jackson's seminal album (not the full version, unfortunately...bastard who has that on YouTube won't let you embed it):

Also, here's a link to the YouTube page with the "Making of Thriller" videos. They have it in 5 parts, and I didn't want to post each piece here.

The Girl Is Mine (video sucks, just the song)

Bille Jean:

Beat It (Live from 1987...couldn't find the video on YouTube...too lazy to search past the second page):


1 comment:

GMACD said...

I started to feel really old too when I heard that "Thriller" was 25 which means I was fourteen when it came out! I remember a couple of things about that album two kids on my bus route who would constantly play the tape of it loudly and over and over. Another thing was the video which my cool english/history teacher Ms. Judy would play during class and talk about the historic signifcance it had on our generation