December 4, 2007

Useful Website...and More Non-Sequitirs


I found the below website. I'm going to add it to the links, but figured the writerly types who stop by here might want to take a look at this, if you haven't already surfed by it.

Practicing Writing


Seems a little to be like one of those days, ya know? Kind of a weird day really. I'm on the back end of a cold, so I got this loopy, airy feeling, in-between moments of hacking up leftover phlegm. And it seems like it should be about 3 in the morning, but it's barely past 8:00 PM as I type this addendum. And it's not like I've taken any cold medicine either...brain must be releasing some chemicals that mimic that delightful Tylenol Cold wooze. Or, it could be that I've been trying to deal with hearing a band called Secret Chiefs 3 all day. I listened to it about 730 in the AM as I drove Emily to work, and it's kind of been with me, and it's not like I enjoy it.

About five years ago when I was into techno music, I would have loved the hell out it, but not anymore. Yes, I liked techno...I sold my Prodigy CDs at the MFA Yard Sale (and my Aphex Twin and Roni Size/Reprazent discs too). But this band, this Secret Cheifs 3, is like an blend of Arabic music, techno, metal and Manheim Steamroller. And that kind of put me in the headspace of the time where I was dating some girl from Chicago, my best friend was doing acid routinely and we kept making plans to trip, and I'd puss out, then he'd eat the whole bag of mushrooms or tabs of acid or whatever. The girl who I had a little high school crush on was this girl in my education classes who liked to tell me stories about her drunken or ecstasy fueled weekends (she alternated between raves and house parties). Pussed out on those invites too...I was trying to be an elementary school teacher after all...what kind of example could I be if I was tripping balls with blacklight paint smeared all over me.

Anyways, here's a video of The Secret Chiefs's not a very good example of what I was listening to this morning, but it's close...I can loan you the CD that was burned for me (thanks Wyatt!):

And, an added treat, here is an Aphex Twin video that used to scare the shit out of my acid taking friend:


I also want to give a shout-out or recommendation to picking up the most recent Rolling Stone with Jay-Z on the cover, because it has a story about JT LeRoy, a famous teen transgender author, who turned out to not be a transgender teen, but a crazy older lady instead. It's an interesting story. Here's an excerpt from the Rolling Stone website...I can loan you the magazine if you like.

And, here's one final thing for you to look at...ever hear of a band called Sleepytime Gorilla Museum? (Yes, Wyatt, I know you have). They are a thrash metal band, or maybe death metal, I don't know, some kind of metal, which is pretty indicative by their name. Nothing says whoop ass scary metal like the name Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Anyway, they have a song which uses Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce as the lyrics. Below is the James Joyce/metal lovechild:

Viva el mustache.

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