December 14, 2007

Finally, Seller's Remorse


Months later, I finally regret selling one CD at the MFA Garage Sale. I expected to have more guilt or sadness with it to be honest...I did lament the apparent loss of memories associated with selling the discs on a blog post before, but I never actually missed the stuff until today.

See, it looks like I sold my copy of Nirvana's Unplugged in New York. Goddamnit. At the time, I must not have realized what I was doing or something, I don't know. But as I was looking through my iTunes, I realized that I didn't have the Nirvana version of "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" (you might know it as In the Pines or Black Girl) so I was a little pissed...especially with all the hubbub over this DVD release of the concert. Oh well...looks like I'll rebuy that one. Won't be the first time I had to rebuy a CD I sold...way back in the day, I rebought Nine Inch Nails' The Downward Spiral...I bought originally from Columbia House because it was one of those 12 free CDs, and since at the time I was an acting Southern Baptist, choruses like "I want to fuck you like an animal" didn't really sit to well with the Jesus in me, you see. So I sold that evil goddamned disc. Then, rebought it once the bible got dusty.

That copy of The Downward Spiral was sold at the MFA Garage Sale too (at least I think it was), but chances are I won't be rebuying it (Trent Reznor's music just isn't interesting to me anymore...sorry Trent).

Anyway, here's a couple videos from Nirvana's Unplugged session:

Where Did You Sleep Last Night:

The Man Who Sold the World (not exactly unplugged):

About A Girl:

And, since I brought up Nine Inch Nails...what the's their video for Closer...but be warned, this is an unedited version so if you're shy about artistic nudity, artistic beef tongue holding, artistic ball chokers, or artistic monkey crucifiction, or find them offensive, don't press play (you've been warned):

Viva el mustache

1 comment:

Jorge said...

But just think, that few dollars the CD brought in got us a few dollars closer to NYC. I'll buy you a beer when we get there to make it up to you. And it should make it up since beer is like $100 out there. Silly New Yorkers.