December 15, 2007

I've Had It Up to Here With All This Pornography


My television is afflicted with occasional free pornography. See, my television receives over-the-air digital signals, and because of that, I receive On-Demand signals. Now, I can't control the On-Demand signals nor can I choose what to watch, I am simply at the mercy of whoever in this building has On-Demand and I then can watch what they watch. Also, the signals can be weak, so sometimes my television will lose the signal of one program, then flip to the next available On-Demand signal. This presents problems.

Say someone in this building is watching Capote or another quiet intense character drama. I too would be watching it with them, then suddenly, poof, I loose the signal, and I am blasted with pornography replacing Phillip Seymour Hoffman's Oscar winning role with some comely lass taking some pole (see what I did there with the words?).

At first, I thought this was a godsend. Who turns down free pornography right? Plus, there was the added bonus that since these are On-Demand movies, the person who orders them can fast-forward or rewind, so sometimes the porn would rewind for sex scenes or fast forward through talky scenes. And that seemed funny to me. A bit of a pain in the ass if I'm trying to watch a Sopranos episode and the fucker who ordered it decides he can't understand what Tony is saying and has to rewatch a section six goddamn times.

But now, I'm sick of this pornography. I just wish it would go the fuck away. I still like the digital signals, but somebody here won't lay off the porn, and it's remarkably boring and uninteresting.

Maybe it's because the quality of the porn I'm getting is low-rent. I'm talking Cinemax After-Dark porn, so nothing interesting could happen. But, even with the more graphic porn that I sometimes get treated too (yeah, I'm talking the close up, ball-slapping kind), that just bores the hell out of me too. For one, its not like anything surprising is going to happen. Will the Asian girl take it from behind? Yes. They all take it from behind. There's no dramatic tension in those scenes.

First from the front, then behind, then the side...its like Swiss clockwork...might as well be an intro to creative writing sex scene it's so paint by numbers. During the proceedings, she'll say "Yeah" and "Fuck me" (as if he would stop fucking if he did, that would be surprising...some porn guy just stopping halfway into it "Well, I'm sick of this. Get your pants on, Candi. Let's go rent Patch Adams.") They'll moan too...oh so convincingly. The guys will make the same pained expressions like their working hard to pull a bullet out of his leg, then viola, the load is blown, the scene is done. Yawn.

And it's like that everyday, all day. I can't avoid the porn. I'm starting to recognize the actors and actresses it's getting so bad. There must be some guy with a chaffed pecker or whole lot of Vaseline in this building. I'll tell you what though, I ain't shaking anyone's hand in this building anymore. Probably enough DNA on them to pass on a birth defect to me. And I shouldn't be could be a woman ordering the porn too, so she could have a vagina worn out like an old leather shoe or enough lubricant to grease up The Statue of Liberty's hoohah.

Just enough with the pornography already. Seriously. Maybe go talk to girl or guy and go make some porn of your own than sitting around Saturday goddamn morning jerking it to a Girls Gone Wild and interrupting my watching of Dora the Explorer. I'll never know if her and backpack got to through the forest today...instead I got an eyeful of bounding titty. It's a disgrace.

No viva pornos!


Sethy Go Bragh! said...

This is a strange turn! Sick of free porn. Wow. I'm at a loss, here. Methinks you'll miss it when it's gone. You've got one that needs rubbing out and here you are on your computer--like a jerk!--while you remember the good ol' days of high-def punishing.
I'm just saying...

Jorge said...

The men in white will be around to collect your testicles soon.

Bryan said...

Here's the thing...I wish I had the option to enjoy the spoils of free HBO, Showtime & Cinemax OnDemand without the constant porn interruptions.

And I'm with you, I never thought I'd get tired of seeing some good old fashioned American fucking. But turns out I was wrong. It's just so much of it is cliche porn. If they'd do something different, or wasn't so repetitive, then okay, cool.

Like about a month ago, the porn orderer was fastforwarding through a comedy porn that had a King Kong theme (which included a man in a gorilla costume, King Kong, jerking it whilst spying on two lesbians ear-deep in lovemaking with one another in a high rise building...they didn't show Kong jerking it, but showed some poor sap pedestrian getting drenched in giant gorilla semen). That was a movie I thought that had potential because it was so weird. It's just got to the point where, yeah, I've seen pretty people fucking, but give me something else. Porn needs to up the ante.

And I'm not talking anything unnatural, Phil MacKenzie like, or scat related, just keep me entertained.