December 21, 2007

That Shit is Bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S)


Today, I am crapulous in a way I hadn't experienced before. My crapulousness has gotten increasingly worse throughout the day. I've had bad hangovers before, for sure, but usually right around now (6PM), I'm recovering, feeling human again, ready to get some work done. But today, after lunch and up to now, it's been this ever-increasing swell of shittiness. Feeling dizzy, getting nauseous, can't think straight, and so on, even though before lunch I was tip-top.

Anyway, so maybe it's because of my current condition that I feel like posting the below video, but it makes me laugh:

Kirk Cameron Ministries Presents: The Banana: The Atheist's Nightmare

And here's a link to the rebuttal of this video...because and honestly, wasn't that a compelling argument? It surely needed rebutting, if anything ever did. Also, it should be said, that atheists, aren't, what can only be described as, hollaback girls, unless I miss Gwen Stefani's point about talking shit and it's relation to bananas.

And, I believe the core strength of this piece was the mustache on the man with the banana. It certainly sullies the credibility of the mustache, but then again, there are frauds of all stripes in this world, some of which have been known to sport a mustache in their attempt to trick people.

Viva el mustache!

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