December 22, 2007

Danielle's Challenge (Complete!)


Danielle has issued forth another listing challenge. A list of 50 novels that I would wish to be saved from the murderous heart of George W. Bush and his wish to burn all books, and to be eternally available to all kinds.

The challenge has been floating out there for a couple days, so I'm going to post my list, albeit incomplete and in no particular order...I just wanted to get the out there, so it doesn't seem as if I'm dodging the task.

  1. Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice
  2. Joseph Heller - Catch 22
  3. John Steinbeck - Grapes of Wrath
  4. Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
  5. Marilynne Robinson - Housekeeping
  6. Toni Morrison - Beloved
  7. Jack Kerouac - On the Road
  8. Hunter S. Thompson - Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas*
  9. Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse Five
  10. Cervantes - Don Quixote
  11. Mark Twain - Huckleberry Finn
  12. Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses
  13. Ray Bradbury - Farenheit 451 (I think this one is obvious)
  14. F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
  15. James Dickey - Deliverance
  16. Richard Russo - Nobody's Fool
  17. Ken Kesey - One Flew Over's the Cuckoo's Nest
  18. Alan Moore - Watchmen
  19. J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye
  20. George Orwell - 1984
  21. Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
  22. William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
  23. Flannery O'Connor - Wise Blood
  24. Michael Shaara - The Killer Angels
  25. Philip Roth - Portnoy's Complaint
  26. J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit
  27. E.B. White - Charlotte's Web
  28. Gabriel Garcia Marquez- Love in the Time of Cholera
  29. C.S. Lewis -The Screwtape Letters
  30. Bram Stoker - Dracula
  31. Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels
  32. Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland
  33. Virginia Woolf - To the Lighthouse
  34. Larry McMurtry - Lonesome Dove
  35. Gustave Flaubert - Madam Bovary
  36. Albert Camus - The Stranger
  37. Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
  38. Mary Shelley - Frankenstein
  39. Zadie Smith - White Teeth
  40. Elmore Leonard - Get Shorty
  41. Mark Danielewski - House of Leaves
  42. Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird
  43. John Updike - Run, Rabbit
  44. John Irving - The World According to Garp
  45. Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  46. Michael Chabon - The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
  47. James Joyce - A Potrait for an Artist as a Young Man
  48. Philip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  49. Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian
  50. Gunther Grass - The Tin Drum

Admittedly, I have not read all of the books on this list, nor do I own all of them, but if I'm responsible for saving all novels, I see the task as also creating a template for creating new novels, so I needed to make sure that it was obvious that anything can be written from pop novels to the most bizarre pieces of work you can imagine. I know I should work "The Joy Luck Club," or anything by Agatha Christie...and I am woefully short on female writer's and minority writers.

Also, in regards to Ande's list...I did not include The House on Mango Street or The Things They Carried because I'm pretty sure I'd be able to talk El Presidente into believing they are short story collections.

Viva libros!

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