December 22, 2007

Visitor Updates


Scroll down to see the response for Danielle's challenge. It is incomplete, I'm nine short right now, but I didn't want to give the impression that I wasn't going to follow through on Danielle's task.

And I have a question. I have added that neato map feature that Jorge has on his blog, and I have yet to register a hit from the entire continent of Africa. I have all the other continents covered, but yet nothing from the Cradle of Civilization...or the Middle East for that matter. So, what gives? [EDIT: We have an African visitor, finally....they arrived from South Africa...and they were in search of men shitting...which there has been a run on today, Christmas...nothing like saying happy birthday to the Lord than looking for erotic dookie]

No one from those places must be into mustaches, men shitting, panda christmas or tampon string photos, which seem to be the four most popular ways to wind up on this blog. Any ideas on how to attract a more global audience? And how can I tap into that China market? Lead paint recipes?

Also, another BOMM-chievement has been reached. Our 2,000th visitor since we installed the SiteMeter application has stopped by. It was someone from Mankato, who arrived here from Ande's blog, and left to go read Jorge's blog. So, whoever that was, thanks for reading!

Viva el mustache!

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