December 10, 2007

Richard Pryor: Comedy's Greatest Mustache [Updated]


I'll update this post later with more text, but for now, to commemorate the passing of Richard Pryor (which happened two years ago today), I present you with what is possibly the best thing that Saturday Night Live has done:


Jorge is right (read the comment for this to make sense). I have been in a Happy Birthday/Sucks to be Dead rotation with these posts lately, maybe it's my seasonal depression coming out, or something else, but either way it's time I break that cycle and get on with other stuff.

Before I do though, I want to add that of all the movies that I associate with Richard Pryor, the one that always comes to my mind first is See No Evil, Hear No Evil. I saw that movie in the theater, and I remember laughing so hard I couldn't breathe...and since I was 10 years old at the time, I don't know how many of those jokes I got, but I remember laughing very hard just the same. It was my first profoundly enjoyable theatatrical experience (I went to movies when I was younger, but I don't remember them as well, or they weren't too when I saw ET in the theater I got too scared and had to leave...or so my mom tells me). Also, while I know Sliver Streak and his standup comedy is something your supposed to like from him, but Brewster's Millions makes me feel all sentimental for lazy Sunday afternoons growing up in Granite City watching movies on KPLR before the Cardinal game started.

Here's a taste of Mudbone for you...taken from Live at the Sunset Strip - 1982

Viva el mustache

1 comment:

Jorge said...

You know, lately you've only been posting about birthdays and deaths. I'm becoming bipolar. Thanks.