January 7, 2008

Another Reason to Post a Neko Case Video


I guess there was a study that is trying to sort out what kind of voice do the genders find attractive. The study came down that women like deeper voiced fellas, and the fellas like higher voiced women. So that got me thinking...

How is it that Will Arnett isn't just putting his brand on all the women in America if deep voices do the trick? Could be that he's married to Amy Poehler, sure, but come on(!), it's a celebrity marriage. It's pretty much his vocal duty to go out there and sow his seed. Plus, check out this video...I think you might find him doubly irresistible. I should warn you, ladies, it would do no good to throw your panties Tom Jones style at your screen here, though you will be motivated to do so, I am sure.

But then I got to thinking that since I am a heterosexual man, I should be attracted to women's voices of the higher register...but I don't think I am. I think I'm a fan of the young Kathleen Turner sultry voice than any-era Victoria Jackson kind of voice. But then again, it might just be because Victoria Jackson is, you know, Victoria Jackson. If you strapped a higher pitch voice onto that young Kathleen Turner, I probably wouldn't have minded. So maybe I really don't have much preference to women's voices and take it on a case by case basis. Because, there are instances that I know pretty definitively that I find a voice irritating and unpleasant, or maybe it's just the person, I don't know. Hard to say.

However, there are singing voices that transcend potential personality deficiencies. Like, say, Neko Case:

That's a voice that could provoke me to overlook any number of unfortunate character flaws..so long as the singing went on uninterrupted, so we could live our lives as if we were in an English opera.

What about you? Is there a voice type that really works for you? I know that with Emily nasal midwestern is really something special.

Viva el mustache!


Jorge said...

Ugh, the Padres. Almost as bad as the Cardinals.

Jorge said...

And really, shouldn't their name be, "Los Padres" if they're going to go the Spanish route? Come on!

Jorge said...

Just realized, I posted these comments on the wrong post. They belong with the post after this one (I believe). The one about the Padres.