January 3, 2008

AWP Adventure Request


Okay, while in NYC for AWP, I imagine there will be a few adventures had (famous graves again?)...but more importantly...who would like to go see They Might Be Giants while in New York for AWP? The show is at the Beacon Theatre on Saturday, Feburary 2. The show starts at 8pm, or thereabouts.

Let me lay out the cons for you:
1) It'll be a trip on the NYC Subway to get there and back.
2) Tickets are not cheap.
3) You will miss the Robert Pinsky & Natasha Trethewey reading, or the Martin Amis reading, depending on which one you wanted to go to.

Reasons to go:
1) They Might Be Giants are an amazing live show.
2) They Might Be Giants will be playing their adultish music, complete with swears, instead of their children's set.
3) They Might Be Giants play many, many great songs. Observe:

Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (yes, this is the Tiny Toons version)

Birdhouse in Your Soul

Particle Man (Live! with special guest Corn Mo...and a little bit of the Dallas theme)

James K Polk (this is some kids history project...but the song is great)

The Mesopotamians

Ana Ng

Til My Head Falls Off (not the best of quality...but it shows you that they can rock when they need to)

Fingertips (Live!)

She's an Angel (Live!)

Okay, convinced? I can loan you a CD or three of theirs to help convince you....like you need it anyway.

Viva They Might Be Giants!


Emily said...

Can I become an honorary member of the MFA department just so I can go to NYC and see the Giants? Please, please, please? I can write, I promise.

Michael David MacBride said...

You have left out my favorite TMBG song... "Why Does the Sun Shine".

Exhibit a: slow version.

Exhibit b: faster (I couldn't find a better version without spending too much time on it, sorry).