January 18, 2008

Just Like Jesus


This afternoon, I went to the ATM at the downtown US Bank. And if you've never been there, the ATM is just inside the front doors to the bank, but anyways, know that I'm in the bank, more or less. There was a guy in there filling out a form next to the ATM, so he waved me up to use it...and laying there in the ATM reservoir is two twenties. So, I pick it up and look at the guy and ask him if it's his...he says nope. Two other people walked in at that time to use the ATM, so I'm standing there with forty found dollars.

So, ever the quick thinker, I settled on three potential possibilities as to why that money was there. I assume that whoever's money this is, must have gotten a lot out, and left in a hurry to bail someone out of jail, so they wouldn't know they left forty bucks behind. It was a young mother getting money out, and her baby starts vomiting blood or something, so she has to boogie out of there without the cash. Or, I was a subject in one of those clever tests about how honest the average joe is. So you know what I did? I got out the money I was going to from the ATM, then walked the found forty dollars inside to a teller. She took my name and phone number, in case no one claims the forty dollars and they want to give it to me instead. So, that makes me quite a bit like Jesus I think, because I'm pretty sure he would have done the same thing.

Now, would you have done the same thing? If you walked up to an ATM during business hours, and found money just laying in there...do you take it and go, or do you do take it to a teller?

I, of course, paid dearly for my good faith later because Emily & I went to this place in North Mankato called Del's, thinking it was a nice little lunch counter kind of place. It was, and very dirty, but my veggie choices were grilled cheese sandwich or a salad sandwich. Now, I wasn't going to order salad sandwich from a dive deli because you and I both know what that would be...white bread and a handful of Dole salad mix. And I will not order grilled cheese sandwiches...in fact, I typically don't like ordering food at places that can be made easily at my home. So I went with the closest veggie thing I could thing of...fish sandwich. It was a horrible mistake. My system never could handle grease, and since I'm living cleaner now, the stomach cramps were terrible. I thought I had karmically bought a free pass with the veggie life thing with the forty dollars, plus there is that whole Jesus and fish story so I figured I might as well keep that messiah train a-rollin...turns out I was wrong. Anyway, I'm back on the veggie straight and narrow now....Jesusy actions or not.

And to change gears, and end this post....How many students were in my class today? Well...


Viva el mustache.


Sethy Go Bragh! said...

I think that if I were alone in the little ATM cubby, I would have taken the 40 bucks. Having that other dude in there with you and already having asked him if it was his, I may have done what you did.

I think you did the right thing, though. He could have been from the Free Press just waiting for someone to take the money. The scandal could have destroyed your career!

Rob Wilkins said...

I think you need to ask yourself the folllowing question. What would Allah Do? I am also sorry about that stomach situation you had but it could have something to do with the fact that you ate in North Mankato at a establishment that even germs try to avoid. Also I left 40.00 at US Bank and I am going to get it now...